Shipping policy
Ready to ship in {$delivery_days} business days
Ships out using: {$delivery_method_name}
Tracking code provided upon shipment
Delivery times: {$delivery_time}
Returns and exchange policy:
We accept returns and exchanges on the following basis: you make contact with us within {$return_days} days of receiving your goods. Goods must be returned in original packaging with no signs of use / damage. Exchange solution dependent upon items in stock. Returns shall be refund ed within {$refund_days} days of goods reaching our door.
We (the vendor) are not liable for customs duty or taxes that may be imposed upon receiving your product / products. The customer is fully liable for these costs.

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- السعر من الأعلى إلى الأدنى
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- التاريخ من الجديد إلى القديم
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عنوان الوسائط
عنوان الوسائط
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